Start posting articles in a great looking grid,
with plenty of options that can be mixed together.
Post Theater will break bread on February 15th at cultural association Platenlaase in the Wendland region. We look…
We did it! more than 500 people experienced the inside view on the Trojan Horse – in 57…
Danke Berlin und Potsdam für die überwältigenden Reaktionen – erst in Sachen Andrang, dann in Sachen positives Feedback….
Berlin Vorstellungen von “Trojan Horse” sind unglaublich schnell ausverkauft gewesen. Aber es gibt noch Tickets für Potsdam, wo…
Even though we are three weeks before the premiere of TROJAN HORSE, already one third of the tickts…
We are glad to present a one-night-only preview of Trojan Horse at Rechenzentrum Potsdam. We will present the…
Start creating the portfolios in a great looking grid,
with plenty of options that can be mixed together.
Start creating the products in a great looking grid,
with plenty of options that can be mixed together.