Blog Boxed Text

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Trojan Horse in München

Danke Berlin und Potsdam für die überwältigenden Reaktionen – erst in Sachen Andrang, dann in Sachen positives Feedback….

Trojan Horse Tickets in Berlin SOLD OUT! See you in Potsdam!

Berlin Vorstellungen von “Trojan Horse” sind unglaublich schnell ausverkauft gewesen. Aber es gibt noch Tickets für Potsdam, wo…

Trojan Horse: Tickets sale galloping!

Even though we are three weeks before the premiere of TROJAN HORSE, already one third of the tickts…

Sneak preview: Trojan Horse in Potsdam

We are glad to present a one-night-only preview of Trojan Horse at Rechenzentrum Potsdam. We will present the…

Trojan Horse preview in Potsdam

All departments are working hard… we are in the middle of rehearsals, music- and video-production, set-building and costume…

NO MAN IS AN iSLAND is coming back to Berlin !

Can an android represent the human qualities of the people of a nation under thread? How emotional, how…