
Post Theater now on Instagram

Times are changing. Post Theater is now on Instagram. We try to communicate our work via this channel…

FUCHSBAU – foxes on tour to Halle and Dresden

FUCHSBAU (FOX DEN) will tour to our wonderful friends of WUK Theaterquartier Halle and Societaetstheater Dresden (venue: Projekttheater…

SPOOKAI – grateful for audience response

The Berlin re-run of SPOOKAI is a great success. We have been sold out for all 52 shows…

20 Years Post Theater in Berlin

In 2002 Post Theater moved its headquarters from New York to Berlin. Post Theater’s productive portfolio is deeply…

FUCHSBAU world premiere!

Mr Fox, Renard, foxy lady – few animals appear as often in literature and art. Few are as…

SPOOKAI – Stuttgart Premiere

Finally we bring “SPOOKAI” to our beloved Stuttgart! The yokai will scare you at the Made in Germany…

SPOOKAI on Tour!

The spring has come! As the nature reawakens so do our Yokais. “SPOOKAI” will be presented at the…

SepulTour trailer is there!

We are glad to present a glimpse of “SepuTour” in our new trailer – shot in Stuttgart. We…

SepulTour in Dresden

Our new performance SepuTour had a sold-out first run at St. Maria Stuttgart.The audience feedback showed that the…

SepulTour in Stuttgart: Karten Verkauf jetzt!

HIER können erst- und einmalig Tickets für ein Post Theater Stück im Online Shop gekauft werden: SepulTour in…